Saturday, September 6, 2008

Love Love Loved This!

As I was investigating High School information (yes that is what it has come to) this year we are in 9Th, 3rd and a little 2ND grade. I ran across this and loved it (I think is was the HSLDA website). I am going to post it throughout my house to serve as a reminder as school begins.....

When you are convinced that the
Lord loves you lavishly, completely,
and unconditionally, you'll want to
love your children in the same way.
You'll be able to love the unlovable.
You won't shy away from training
and correcting, but you'll do so
with tenderness, compassion, and
humility- as a fellow sinner in
need of grace. None of us have the
power to do this on our own, but
the Lord can help us do the impossible!

1 comment:

Colleen Moore said...

Print me off some copies for my house, wouldja? =D

Thank you for sharing this! This is what I heard teaching on Sunday at the Niceville church...Gospel-centered parenting! Woohoo!