I am very aware of how my words can and do affect those around me. What takes days, weeks, or years to build up, takes only moments for me to tear down. I love those God moments, when good seeds are planted without anyone ever knowing. This week God revealed a couple of those moments and how words impact our lives.
Thursday, as we were driving back from Precious Granny's, I realized my BFF was not going to be available to (do her usual bailout) frenchbraid Madison's hair for dance rehearsal the following day. I called another dear friend, who thankfully, has all those girly skills, and can frenchbraid. As this friend was braiding her hair I tried to explain how it looked previously. In the middle of our conversation Madison ran to her room and brought out a special scrapbook Laura had given her last year. Inside was the picture I posted above of the the two of them together. In the little scrapbook were some very sincere words of encouragement.
As Madison rehearsed on stage, I video taped. During rehearsal I try to get her by herself. It gives Madison a chance to see how she dances and how much she has changed over the year. At some point during the dance she walked towards the left side of the stage with her hand held out. The words to the song were "I will follow you" (those are words every mom wants and hopes for her children). A tear rolled down my cheek and I prayed very hard that would truly be her life long desire- "To follow Him".
With rehearsal over, we went to have our traditional dinner together (thanks for those words Michelle- you constantly challenge me in area of "making" special moments!). As we sat down, I asked if she wanted to pray, she did. She prayed (wonderful words) and asked God to remind her of what Laura told her last year (the words that are also in her scrapbook) "She was dancing for God". She asked for God to be glorified in her dance and that she would forget anyone else was there. Words she has heard from precious Laura. God has used Laura's words to plant seeds in Madison's tender heart. They are words that come from a sincere place that Madison has grown to love. This year Laura sacrificed her Friday nights to help with Madison's dance class. She is 15, and already knows what it means to sacrifice for others. I see it in how she serves her mother, her family,and others. She has been purposeful (with her words, and her actions)to pray for Madison, to seek her, or see and ask how she is doing. She has been purposeful in using words to help mold my daughter into who she is becoming. I don't think she quite understands the power of her words. As a Mom watching I know the effect she has on my daughter, I am ever so thankful for sweet words spoken by her and others to my children.
As I watched Laura on stage, I was aware (more than ever) of her love for the Lord. God has a special purpose for Laura's life! God has made me more aware of words the last couple of weeks, how they can be used for good and how harmful they can be. I think about my children and the words I use when speaking to them. Words that can lift up and words that tear down. How I desire control, more than I desire to bring glory to God. How I can place my desires ahead of what would bring glory to God!
I am encouraged and challenged by what God has shown me and the work he graciously so desires to do in me. I am thankful for "little friends" (who really aren't so little) who are living for God and the great testomony they are to me! I'm thankful for all the words God has shown me recently, and the ultimate word...His! I am amazed at how God can and does use them and how they can change lives. I pray God will continue to pierce my heart with His words and continue to show me examples of where my words may hurt and where they help.
You also have such a gift with words and have poured into so many others lives with your encouraging and also correcting words! Laura is such a blessing and has such a tender heart for the Lord. She has had many girls pour into her and I am glad that she is modeling the same to Maddison.
Love you and thank you for your dear friendship,
PS--Maddison, I loved watching your dances last Saturday!! You are a growing up to be such a beautiful young lady both on the outside butmost importantly on the inside!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage others the way you did today. You are such a blessing and example in my life. It took me years to truly understand the meaning of why I was dancing and praise God Madison has already! :) She is a beautiful dancer,friend, and sister ;). I love you both!!
Such a timely reminder, Shawna. I'm really struggling in this area right now. If you think of it, pray for me & check in on me. Maybe pick up a muzzle or gag at the next garage sale you drive by. :)
Ditto on Laura being a blessing and on Maddi being a sweetie! I love them both!!! And I love you! I'm so grateful to have you as the kiddos "other Mom". *smile*
Allie O.
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