Tyler reading his science on top of the tree house this morning. Our kids enjoy the flexibility of reading where they like, I am pretty sure that will never change!
We have had a very busy summer! We went camping, Jody and I had a wonderful anniversary trip, and the kids and I traveled quite a bit for Classical Conversations. We've had to be very purposeful to make time for others and not get caught up in our lives (which I will confess happened(happens) anyway!). It hasn't left much time for blogging:)!
We are back into the full swing of school. Tyler is in 10th grade, I have to admit this year has been a little frightening for me! I really understand why some people don't home-school during the High School years!! There is a lot of pressure to serve our children and make sure we are providing the best education we can for them. It can be very intimidating to know we, Jody and I, are responsible for not only teaching Tyler but preparing him for the rest of his life -but- that is the whole reason we home-school!
Madison and Jarred are trudging along in 4th grade, and both doing well. We still only test Jarred for the grade he is supposed to be in (3rd), but at some point that might change. Homeschooling is hard work! There are days I don't feel like doing it. There are days my kids wish they had another teacher! I get asked how I do it all and the real answer is- I DON'T! I am not capable of doing it all! Only by the grace of God does any of it get done. To be honest, if you walk into my house it is probably clean, it isn't spotless, but yes- it's clean. I cook dinner almost every night. My kids are getting a better education than I did. But, it is a lot of hard work! I constantly fight the temptation to give into selfishness or laziness. There are days I would rather cook all day. There are days I don't want to do anything but paint or decorate. Those aren't bad desires in themselves, but could quickly become my priority with out some boundaries. I enjoy cleaning (I know for some that isn't normal)! If you remember I am an instant results kind of girl! Cleaning gives me instant results. If left to myself I would rather clean than play with my kids. Thankfully God made me aware of this years ago, but it still creeps up.
Thankfully I serve a God who is bigger than me! He makes me aware of the many idols in my life and gave me friends to hold me accountable! I am not sold out on home-school. I don't believe it is the only way! There are great kids who love the lord who graduate from public school. We aren't better or superior because we home school! We aren't sure how much longer, Tyler, will even be home schooled. Things like the Crotsley kids finding their own little spots to read doesn't seem like it will ever change. They way we home-school, what the kids are into, the activities they are involved in, seem to change weekly:)!
For now, we feel this is where we are supposed to be. This is what God has for us. I fall asleep at night exhausted and sometimes question what in the world I'm doing! Most of the time I am aware of how special it is to have this time with my kids. I am aware of the work God is doing in all of us, even when it hurts! I really enjoy my children and I am blessed to have the opportunity to stay home with them, even if it is exhausting!
Thanks for sharing your pep talk with the rest of us...We need the constant reminder that it is GOD who gets it all done and not us...don't we? =D
Love you!
I love you, Shawna!
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