Thursday, May 22, 2008

My boyfriends back!

My wonderful husband is headed home TODAY!! Jody has been out of town for only a couple of days, but he has been gone for some portion of the week, for almost a month now. In between traveling he came down with a pretty bad case of bronchitis. Which means, while he was home he has been recuperating. He has still been working which meant he needed to sleep when he was home, in order to be well enough to travel again. Sickness + traveling = it seems that he hasn't really been home in a month.

God reveals a lot to me when Jody is sick or his back is out. Sometimes, I think Jody is sick or is in pain so God can work out my lack of compassion (isn't he lucky to have married me :})! I am amazed at how sinful my heart is! God uses all things for HIS glory (even my husband's bronchitis)! God has shown me that I can be compassionate when it doesn't interfere with my plans, or even if it just a short spell. But after a couple of days a dark ugly cloud of selfishness reigns over me! I quickly forget how very dear my husband is to me! I forget this is the precious man that God hand picked for me! How quickly I forget HE used him in a very real way to bring salvation to us, both. I am humbled by God's care for me. He loves me enough to bring this to my attention. HE loves me enough to convict me of my sin. I am also aware of his care for me in conviction. At the same time God reveals my sin to me he gives me hope, mostly through his word and accountability partners. But, this time has been different. One of my favorite blogs is dealing with the same issue that keeps rearing it's ugly sinful head in my life.

Sometimes I stare at my husband in awe and amazement. He truly loves me with all his heart. It is a kind of love that I have never experienced! It is a giddy love that has continued for almost 9 years, now. What gets me is God's real presence in our marriage and how unworthy Jody and I are for all he has done! As much as Jody loves me my savior loves me so much more! When I sit and stare at Jody it is because I cannot fathom that kind of love. HE sent his son to die on the cross for me! I can try with my feeble mind to understand, but until I am in heaven, meeting my father face to face, I will not understand. I am not capable of comprehending that kind of love. It is overwhelming for me to even try!

God has been good and he is bringing my husband home. I am SO very thankful for HIS love and care for me (even if it comes in the form of bronchitis)! My husband is better and I have made (a very small amount of) progress in this one sinful area. I am more aware of my need for a savior and where I would be without one!

But God is good! Madison woke up this morning not feeling well with a cough that sounds a little like a dog barking (a cute little dog, but a dog). HE might be giving me another opportunity. An opportunity to serve my family, to show compassion, and to put to death my selfish desires of doing what I would like.

He is so very good to me and to our family


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Clearly my wife is a sweet and wonderful woman!